As many of you may already know, after 82 years of being a bastion of free speech, unbiased news coverage, and American culture to the world, The Voice of America and other US Government sponsored international broadcast services were abruptly shuttered last weekend.
Global Community Radio deeply regrets these developments in so many ways, not the least of which being the fact that GCR has been a VOA affiliate since the launch of the station in December of 2015. We have carried many of VOA's programs, in addition to its top of hour newscasts. Now, all of that is gone.
We have been retooling the schedule of GCR1 to accommodate for this sudden loss. We are in negotiations right now with a few other news providers, and details of those negotiations will be forthcoming. In the meantime, we are running some new programming in "test mode" to determine if partner stations and listeners like it. Please tune in to GCR1 and let us know your thoughts. The program schedule is slowly being updated as details are finalized.
There is some hope in certain circles that congress and/or the courts may step in and order that VOA be reinstated. If and when this happens, and if the service is restored to its former glory, and not simply used as a propaganda tool, GCR may consider reinstating some VOA content.
Thank you to all of our partner stations and listeners for their continued support.
Jason Longwell
GCR Station Manager